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Platelet Count

Test Name:Platelet Count
Epic Order Code:LAB301  
CPT Code:85049  
Specimen(s) Type:Whole blood; 2.0 mL
Acceptable Container(s):closeup of specimen collection tubecloseup of specimen collection tubeTops are purple (lavender) and light blue.
Testing Schedule:24 hours/day, 7 days/week
Turn Around Time:STAT: 1 hour  
 Routine: 4 hours  
Collection Information:No special patient preparation is required. Obtain specimen by standard collection procedures.
Transport Information:Deliver to lab immediately. All specimens must be signed into the laboratory.
Reference Clients:If unable to deliver to the lab immediately, store and transport specimen at 2-8° C. Specimen must be received in the lab within 24 hours.
Causes for Rejection:Improperly labeled, incorrect container, contaminated, insufficient quantity, incorrect/delay in transport, grossly hemolyzed or lipemic, clotted.
Reference Range:AgeMale TH/mm3Female TH/mm3
 0 - 14 days:218 - 419144 - 449
 15 - 30 days:248 - 586279 - 571
 31 - 60 days:229 - 562331 - 597
 61 - 180 days:244 - 529247 - 580
 181 days - 2 yrs:206 - 445214 - 459
 2 - 6 yrs:202 - 403189 - 394
 6 - 12 yrs:206 - 369199 - 367
 12 - 18 yrs:175 - 332194 - 345
 > 18 yrs:150 - 400150 - 400
 Critical: <30 or > 700 TH/mm3
Additional Information:Collect in Blue top tube if platelet clumping or EDTA clumper is suspected.